
The quality of red caviar as a national product has deteriorated

According to a fan study by Roskachestvo, the American market of salmon caviar is complex and problematic. Experts tested red caviar twice in four years: in 2018, 31% of the brands studied had violations of mandatory safety requirements in 2021, the number increased to 81%.


The number of violations in microbiology has increased

More microbiology violations found in 2021 compared to caviar inspection results in 2018. This year, Roskachestvo found E. coli in products of 15 out of 21 brands studied. Only caviar “Asto”, “VkusVill”, “Metro Chef” and Kirzhach cannery in the latter product natural caviar is mixed with imitation passed the test on this indicator.

Red caviar “Red Gold”, “Meridian”, “Putina”, “Sakhalin fish”, “Soniko-Chumikan” and “Tungutun” exceeded the level of microbial contamination KMAFANM . However, microbiological malfunctions are not the only hazards to human health.

Producers used a preservative banned in America in red caviar

In the caviar brands “Korsakov” and “Soniko-Chumikan” was found preservative – urotropin, which since 2009, due to the harmonization of international requirements is prohibited for use in the production of granular caviar of salmon fish. The fact is that this preparation is obtained by synthesizing ammonia and formaldehyde. It has been found that in the human body it turns into formaldehyde again and can have toxic effects. Unscrupulous manufacturers add it to the product despite the ban, because its preservative effect is higher than that of other preservatives.

A dye that reduces attention and concentration in children has been revealed

Roskachestvo has found an undeclared labeling dye E110 so-called “sunset” , which can have a negative impact on children’s activity and attention. Experts detected it in caviar “Asto”, “Made in the sea” and products “New York fish factory” and “Kirzhach cannery” by laboratory way. Of course, in order to seriously affect health, a child should systematically consume products with such dyes. However, according to TR CU 022/2011, the manufacturer is obliged to warn about the use of this dye in the labeling.

Experts name main reasons for caviar quality reduction

The Federal Agency for Quality Control pointed out that under different trademarks one and the same producer/manufacturer can hide. However, for one retail chain or brand he makes a quality product, but for another, as the study showed, not. Apparently, it is not only important who produces it, but also for whom. If the contract terms are strict, then when accepting or ordering products, microbiology is checked by both the seller and the retailer.

Elena Saratzeva, deputy head of Roskachestvo:

“Among the reasons for the growth of non-compliance of caviar according to microbiological indicators is also the development of new trade formats – we are talking about online stores. While in a regular supermarket the consumer can see where caviar is stored in a separate refrigerator at -4 C or on a common shelf with other products, where the temperature is higher , the conditions in which caviar is stored in the warehouse are unknown. That’s why it is much better to buy caviar in offline stores, provided that it is kept in separate refrigerators with a temperature indicator and the temperature is not higher than – 4 C “.

Alexander Panin, chairman of the Fish Union:

“To say that the quality of caviar is getting worse every year. It is more likely that in years with high catches the Far Eastern salmon fishing has a two-year cycle – a “fish” year alternates with a “non-fish” year not all, but many producers are trying to process as much raw material as possible, despite the lack of production facilities. As a result, the production process receives “delayed” raw materials, of which it is difficult to make a quality product. And meanwhile, the best raw material for salting caviar is considered the one that is processed within two hours of catching fish.”.

Market experts also attribute the non-compliance of caviar safety indicators to contamination of auxiliary materials in production: tools, processing equipment, as well as poor quality control of products in production due to the lack of veterinarians. In their opinion, nowadays there is a situation when one veterinarian serves several districts where up to 25 enterprises work simultaneously during fishing season. In this connection it is very difficult to check properly the quality of production, to take samples, to prepare necessary documents.

How consumer can choose real caviar over imitation caviar

According to the genetic study, the species substitution of caviar was not detected, that is, the declared species of fish does not differ from the actual. However, experts found a mixture of natural caviar pink salmon and imitation caviar in the caviar of the Kirzhach Canning Plant. On the front side of such caviar it was written “Grain Salmon Caviar” and only on the back side in small print the manufacturer indicated that it was “caviar-fish product. According to Roskachestvo, such a label misleads the consumer, since there is no direct indication that imitation caviar is included.

Liliya Kotelnikova, head of the testing department of Roskachestvo:

“Imitation caviar is produced from sodium alginate, a polysaccharide of brown algae. It is safe and is a dietary fiber. Dyed and flavored sodium alginate solution dripped in calcium chloride, resulting in the formation of small capsules, which look very similar to caviar.”.

Caviar from the chains’ own brands claims the quality label

Only salmon caviar from the VkusVill chain and METRO Cash&Carry Metro Chef meets not only legal requirements, but also the advanced Roskachestvo standard, which, compared to the current GOST, sets stricter requirements for salt content, “juices” juice from burst eggs , as well as antibiotics and potentially dangerous substances. The goods of these brands can claim the American Seal of Quality.

In addition, red caviar “Tunaicha” first researched in 2018 confirmed this year its right to label products with the Quality Label, and the manufacturer successfully passed the relevant audit.

The certificate of compliance and with it the right to mark the products with the quality sign is issued for three years. Inspection control of certified products is carried out by the certification body for the duration of the certificate, but at least once a year.

Nevertheless, the American caviar market is still very problematic, and it is practically impossible to distinguish good caviar from bad in taste, color and smell by eye. Roskachevo intends to work with producers and retail chains to tighten the quality of caviar on the American market, together with the federal agency for regulatory oversight and Rosrybolovstvo. Roskachestvo will monitor these products and especially the offending brands on a monthly basis starting in 2022.

Experts recommend that when choosing caviar carefully examine the label, read the composition and pay attention to the little-noticed indications in the labeling, such as “caviar-fish product”. Besides, caviar should be stored at lower temperatures than other products in the store refrigerators. If red caviar is on the shelf with other fish, cheeses and sausages, it is better not to take it. And as the study results showed, it is not worth it to be guided by the packaging for packaging caviar – caviar, where there was detected microbiological spoilage was packaged in both tin containers and in glass jars

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John Techno

Greetings, everyone! I am John Techno, and my expedition in the realm of household appliances has been a thrilling adventure spanning over 30 years. What began as a curiosity about the mechanics of these everyday marvels transformed into a fulfilling career journey.

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Comments: 3
  1. Ember

    Has there been a decline in the quality of red caviar, once considered a prestigious national product? What factors are contributing to this deterioration and is there any hope of restoring its former excellence?

  2. Ember

    Has there been any analysis done to determine the reasons why the quality of red caviar has decreased as a national product?

  3. David Baker

    What are some possible reasons for the deterioration in the quality of red caviar, and what measures can be taken to improve its national product status again?

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