
How to get rid of dust mites: tips from a Dyson microbiologist

It’s important to keep your apartment free of dust mites in the fall

. “

When the weather gets colder, we spend more time indoors and less time ventilating our homes,

– told Jem McLuckie, lead researcher at the Dyson Microbiology Laboratory. –

When the heating is on, convection currents carry dust mite waste and other allergens throughout the house.

This is why many people with allergies to these insects notice a worsening of their symptoms during the winter months



What are Dust Mites?

Dust mites

House dust mites are microscopic arachnids that are found in homes all over the world.

On average, their life cycle is 65-100 days. During this time, they produce about 2,000 fecal balls and excrete even more protein with their saliva. Both types of pollutants can cause allergies and affect your well-being.

The allergens that dust mites produce are the most common allergy triggers around the world.

From May to October is the breeding season for dust mites, during which females lay between 60 and 100 eggs. As a result, the number of these insects in homes increases, and with it the concentration of allergens. But even if dust mites die in winter, the allergens they produce – including faeces, saliva and body particles – remain in the home.

Fall is the perfect time to remove dust and allergens from the house and thus take care of your well-being. In fact, fall general cleaning is just as important as spring cleaning

“, Jem added.


The impact on health

Dust mites themselves are not dangerous

, – assures Jem. –

But they release a harmful allergen that consists of proteins present in their fecal balls and body particles. And it can greatly affect the well-being of people who live in homes with dust mite colonies


Many of us are familiar with runny nose, watery eyes and an itchy throat after carrying old dusty clothes are mild reactions to dust mite allergens. But for some people, they can have a more serious effect.

Positive dust mite allergy tests are extremely common among people with asthma, various types of dermatitis and frequent sinus infections. Studies also show that exposure to large amounts of dust mites, especially at an early age, increases the risk of developing allergies and asthma.

What you can do in the home to control dust mites during their breeding season?

Dyson microbiologist tips


In the lab


we grow dust mites and collect their faeces. This allows us to learn more about dust mite allergies and better understand how our vacuums can more effectively remove them from your home

, – explains Jem. –

Also, because of this we know something about the breeding conditions of these insects


  1. Leave dust mites without food. By reducing the amount of dust in your home made up of dead cells, you will minimize the dust mites’ primary food source, preventing an exponential increase in their numbers during the breeding season. Vacuum both sides of the mattress, couch and upholstery of other upholstered furniture using a vacuum cleaner with an advanced filtration system.
  2. Control the humidity level. Dust mites satisfy their need for water by absorbing it from the air. That’s why its humidity should not be too high. Air out bedding and blankets more often and throughout the house by opening windows or using an air purifier with a HEPA filter. Remember to turn on the exhaust fan after showering and while cooking, because even if the humidity level rises for an hour and a half a day, that’s enough time for the house dust mites to survive.
  3. Control the temperature. Dust mites multiply at 25°C, so vacuum places with higher temperatures more often to reduce their numbers, like pet bedding, sofas and mattresses. Also, washing your bedding and upholstered furniture parts at 60 °C to 90 °C will destroy allergens.
  4. Top tip. Don’t forget that dust mites and their waste are microscopic. If you see dust in your home, these insects may already be breeding at a rapid pace!


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John Techno

Greetings, everyone! I am John Techno, and my expedition in the realm of household appliances has been a thrilling adventure spanning over 30 years. What began as a curiosity about the mechanics of these everyday marvels transformed into a fulfilling career journey.

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Comments: 1
  1. Abigail Chapman

    As an avid reader, I would love to know more about the expertise of a Dyson microbiologist! Dust mites are a big concern for many people, affecting allergies and overall indoor air quality. Could you please share some practical tips and advice on effectively eliminating these pesky critters? Additionally, I’m curious about any Dyson-specific methods or technologies that can aid in getting rid of dust mites. Thank you!

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