Dust and dust collectors: let’s stop it "perpetual motion machine"?

Every time, even after a thorough cleaning, after a short time you notice a fresh dust deposit on the furniture and floor. Dust may be the only perpetual motor, or rather “dusting agent,” that seems to us to always be working on its own.

dust collector

If only you knew what kind of rubbish

The problem of dust, despite its triviality, is of interest not only to housewives. This topic is being addressed by medics, technicians, and environmentalists alike. That’s why mankind’s current knowledge of dust is quite complete.

The Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary says about the dust: “Dust is a very small solid particles of organic or mineral origin, suspended in the air. One cubic centimeter of air contains: in Riga the Alps 210-2000, in London street air up to 116 000 and in Paris up to 210 000 dust particles. Household air is even richer in dust up to 5,5 million particles in 1 cubic centimeter . Dust contains bacteria and other microorganisms.”.

Household dust contains about 150 types of mites the most allergic to humans are recognized Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , cotton and linen fibers, mold fungi, down, insects, their residues and excretions, particles of glue from book covers, animal and human dander, bacteria, particles of mattresses, pillows, blankets, furniture, carpet, toys, building materials.

This cocktail makes home air toxic and harmful to human health. Attention to this issue has led to the concept of sick building syndrome. This syndrome in humans manifests as breathing problems, then worsens with joint pain, irritability, insomnia.

The immune system weakens and deteriorates. The reason for this turned out to be in the negative internal climate of homes and most basic – the saturation of the air with dust.

Mankind has always tried, as much as it could, to fight dust, but for a long time it could not find anything more effective than a wet rag. The advent of vacuum cleaners should have seemed to solve this problem, but it turned out that the quality of cleaning is highly dependent on many factors.

A vacuum cleaner is a complicated appliance with a powerful motor, an electronic control system and an entire filtration system. But the effectiveness of a sometimes very expensive machine will depend on the cheapest ingredient – the dust bag. That’s why it’s so important to filter the dust collector.

Carrying water in a sieve

Cloth dust bags are usually not an issue when using. Their main advantage, reusability, often outweighs any existing disadvantages for the consumer.

The most important feature of the “nature” of the dust collector is its ability to retain dust particles. Any bag not only traps debris during cleaning, but also allows a current of air to pass through it. This flow of air goes into the pores of the bag and is outside, pulling with it some of the fine dust.

Fabric bags are the most unreliable of all. They are capable of passing through up to two-thirds of the dust that has just been collected. Part of the dust is suspended in the air, and after a while it sinks to the surface, and the other part, the finest and lightest dust, just floats in the air. Thus, the fabric dust bag is only good for collecting garbage, but from the hygienic point of view, its effectiveness is small.

But dust is also bad for the vacuum cleaner. Filters will fail much faster and a motor that is covered in a layer of dust will not run as reliably. For vacuum cleaners with class S or HEPA filters, no cloth bags should be inserted at all. HEPA filters are made of a porous glass-fiber-based material.

An elaborate network of tiny pores traps dust particles as small as 0.3 micron. Such a filter can clog from a jet of large particles very quickly, so some manufacturers specifically indicate that the vacuum cleaner can only work with paper bags.

Many consumers, not realizing the importance of using quality dust collectors, still use cloth bags when cleaning, and there are many reasons for this. First, you can’t always buy a pack of disposable bags for your vacuum cleaner, and this one, though uncomfortable, is always on hand.

The regular cost of buying a paper dust bag can seem excessive. But regular users of these bags know that one dust canister is filled in about a month and a half to two months, and the expense of buying a new one is not so great.

That is the logical conclusion: it is time to replace the cloth bag with a paper one. Throw out a tissue dust bag is not necessary, it can be useful to you in a crisis situation, when the paper bags are over, and cleaning in the house must be done immediately.

Dust, Shura, dust

A paper dust bag works much like a canvas dust bag. This means that the dust canister must not only hold what is picked up from the floor, but it must also let air flow through.

This controversial role dictates certain requirements for the bag itself. The pore size of the material must be small enough to trap even the smallest dust particles. That’s why most vacuum bags are made with two layers of unbleached, multi-layered filter paper, which allows them to retain dust up to three microns in size.

The first layer, which can be soft, retains most of the debris, the second – the smallest dust particles. The combination of two layers provides better air filtration, compared with a canvas bag, the degree of air purification increases by 50-100 times.

Each bag is provided with a cardboard frame, which ensures a precise fit into the slot of the vacuum cleaner, and a rubber seal gasket makes the connection to the vacuum cleaner as hermetically sealed as possible, which prevents dust from getting inside the vacuum cleaner in the bag chamber.

It is important that the bag does not tear during operation. The deluge of dust can kill the vacuum cleaner’s motor. If this has already happened, it is not worth buying a second bag from the same manufacturer.

When you run a vacuum cleaner air filtration leads to clogged pores. That causes loss of pressure. Vacuum bag manufacturers have to find the golden mean between the dust-holding capacity of a vacuum cleaner, i.e. pore size and suction power.

For example, Bosch and Siemens use an intermediate layer in their dust collectors. It not only traps fine particles, but also prevents other layers from sticking together. This results in a high air purification efficiency up to 99% and reduces the suction power with a full bag by only 25%.

The number of vacuum layers is very important for the quality of a simple paper dustbin. Each layer traps some portion of the dust. So three-layer bags will perform better than single-layer bags. The uselessness of using cloth bags, the distance between the fibers of which can be seen with the naked eye, is obvious.

This bag collects only the coarse dust, leaving behind a shroud that hangs in the air after cleaning. The smaller particles will slowly settle on the furniture and floor in an even, gray layer, negating any effort to clean the room.

Things are completely different when your vacuum cleaner is fitted with Melitta’s new generation Swirl Micropor vacuum cleaner. The bag consists of three layers, but not paper, but a microporous material. The first layer retains the larger particles, while the microporous layer retains the tiniest ones. The outer layer keeps the bag from bursting.

The middle part is, in turn, multi-layered. Basically, a dust bag has five layers. Each of these layers traps smaller and smaller dust particles. As the air flow through the layers of the bag traps even bacteria, allergens, tobacco dust, and industrial dust. The dust collector traps both house saprophyte mites and their constituent parts: claws, tendrils they are a source for reproduction of microbes .

The layers described above prevent the bag from clogging quickly. A conventional paper dust bag has a drastic reduction in power output of up to 50% as it fills up.

In this case the power loss is negligible – the loss is less than 20%. The European certification society DIN-GOST-Tuf has awarded the Swirl Micropor dustbags DIN 60312. It indicates that the Swirl Micropor air purification performance is 99.75% retention of all particles of 0.3 micron and larger.

Quality air purification with Melitta’s Swirl Micropor dust collectors is not empty words, but objective information, based on official studies.

Interesting is a peculiar dust bag “Ecobox” by Hoover. It is made of porous plastic and collects dust with the same quality as a good three-layer paper dust bag.

It should be noted that there are bags made of polymeric materials such as spunbond. Spunbond, thanks to its fiber structure, lets the air passing through it, while leaving the dust particles inside the bag, thus achieving filtration.

German Micromelt Euro Plus dust bags are much more efficient. They’re made of expanded polymer and have no pores per se. Their fibrous structure is able to trap dust particles up to 0.3 micron in size. The bag is complete with an outer antibacterial layer that destroys bacteria and microorganisms collected in the dust canister.

One of the most convenient aspects of the use of disposable dustbags is that they are easy to replace. When the dust canister is removed, the valve closes and the dust can no longer escape. The bag doesn’t require any special disposal measures, you just throw it in the trash. The paper bags decompose completely, which is important for the environment. A new bag can immediately be put back in place.

About the price. For many, the price of the kit is a major factor in their decision to choose a dust bag. And if the vacuum cleaner remember the advertising “sucks dust for a penny” and costs 999 Dollars, then the accessories must be appropriate.

Unfortunately, the American manufacturers are not “ahead of the whole planet”. Today qualitative bags in America are presented by European manufacturers, for example, WORWO, a Polish concern. The dust bags from WORWO are a solid, dependable, two-layer “medium” and one of the most affordable today!

Where are you, my black-eyed, where?

More often than not, the consumer is focused on buying only “native” bags for their vacuum cleaner. But this is not always possible. Not every store can afford to have a complete range of dustbags, and it is not easy to find a suitable one for your vacuum cleaner, not only in a small town, but even in New York.

To help in such cases, can come to the electronic sites of companies specializing in the sale of bags, where highly qualified specialists will help you choose a bag for your vacuum cleaner, as well as specify a sales outlet where you can buy it. Or it makes sense to pay attention to the companies that specialize in the production of bags for different types of vacuum cleaners.

When it is difficult to find a set of bags for your vacuum cleaner, universal dust bags such as Universal by Euro-Plus, Rosfil, Sos bag by Menalux, Wanderbag by Rowenta can be helpful, and fit all vacuum cleaners.

The only problem is some hassle with the bag connector. It is necessary to take the cardboard basis of the connector of your native dust bag and glue it to the adapter. This design is then used for the entire set of universal dustbags.

The universal dust bag due to its softness and elasticity tends to use all of its useful volume of the compartment of the dust canister, maximizing the “spreading” of the air flow during its operation, which is convenient for vacuum cleaners with smaller compartments for dust canisters.

With all the attractiveness of universal bags, a handmade mount can still be unreliable, and the reusability of the cardboard parts does not inspire everybody either.

No dust bag

Some consumers may think that all the manipulations with the disposable bags and even more so with the reusable cloth bags are cumbersome. So the ability to vacuum without a bag as such seems tempting.

Vacuum cleaners with cyclones collect dust in a special container, so there is no need to equip the vacuum cleaner with bags. Another advantage of cyclones is that while the dust is accumulating in the dust canister, the vacuum cleaner’s traction power doesn’t drop.

After filling, dust is ejected from the plastic container, it is rinsed, then dried and put back in place. Usually filters are installed in cyclones to protect the air from fine dust which has not been affected by the centrifugal force.

So, the Scarlett Conan has a filtration system consisting of five filters, a plastic cone filter around which the air stream rotates, a double electrostatic filter made of a special, fluffy material to protect the motor and a double fine filter at the outlet.

In LG Cyking Sport, the filtration is done with the help of the separator, i.e. carbon filter that must be washed regularly, and HEPA-filter. That is why the vacuum cleaner traps particles of up to 0.3 micron in size.

The cleaning system of this vacuum cleaner is also very convenient: the container is equipped with a sliding curtain, which does not let the dust slip away during ejection. The filters that purify the air get dirty over time. The Rowenta Infinuim has dual alarms for this – light and sound.

Wet work

Running the dust through water is the idea of the man who invented the aqua vacuum cleaner. This type of vacuum cleaner works by letting the air flow through a layer of water. Dust particles get wet, get heavy, and sink to the bottom of the dust canister and the air continues its way out. Container is rinsed out and put back in the vacuum after cleaning.

But here also there are some “buts”. The air stream must be thoroughly mixed with water to settle all dust from the air. Otherwise, the flow of air will take out of the water and bubbles, which can hide small dust particles. And they are “on their toes” again. So this class of vacuum cleaner collects only the coarse dust and debris.

This absurdity has led to vacuum cleaners working on a slightly different principle. Now it is not air that passes through the water, but water as if “washes” the air, by analogy with rain. Dust particles become wet, get heavy and sink to the bottom, where they are washed away by the water current.

Humidity of the air increases, which is especially important during the heating season, when humidity in apartments can reach 30-40%. Similarly to cyclones, the vacuum cleaner power does not change depending on the dust canister filling. Vibrant and aggressive air/water agitation cleans the air very effectively, the Thomas vacuum cleaner cleans up to 99.998%. No hassle with changeable accessories.

Get out of the house!

This is how integrated vacuum cleaners handle dust and debris – a power unit with an air duct system and exhaust vented to the street. In the room – only wall or floor inlets with a light cleaning hose installed in them. These vacuum cleaners do not need a dust bag. More precisely, this collector is the street.

All air-purifying problems with built-in vacuum cleaners are eliminated, the air is completely discharged into the street. This is called exterior exhaust. Another plus – the dust from untidy surfaces does not rise into the air, the vacuum cleaner fully justifies its name.

Such vacuum cleaners could be in high demand in America, if not for the price and the need to conduct air ducts for already built buildings , in addition the pile of debris on the back of the house suggests that the dust would be back home.

Despite all tricks of vacuum cleaner manufacturers, the user is alone with the cleaning, and its quality will directly determine the quality of life of his family. So it is necessary to take seriously not only the choice of a vacuum cleaner, but also the dust collector.

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John Techno

Greetings, everyone! I am John Techno, and my expedition in the realm of household appliances has been a thrilling adventure spanning over 30 years. What began as a curiosity about the mechanics of these everyday marvels transformed into a fulfilling career journey.

Home appliances. Televisions. Computers. Photo equipment. Reviews and tests. How to choose and buy.
Comments: 3
  1. Tatum

    Is it possible to create a dust collector that can operate effectively without requiring any external power source, essentially becoming a “perpetual motion machine” aimed at stopping dust accumulation?

    1. Serenity

      No, it is not possible to create a dust collector that can operate effectively without requiring any external power source. This is due to the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. To collect dust effectively, a dust collector would need to generate suction or airflow, which requires energy. Thus, a perpetual motion machine aimed at stopping dust accumulation without any external power source is not feasible.

  2. Addison Riley

    Is there any way to prevent the perpetual motion of dust and dust collectors?

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