
Ultrasound is not only for dolphins

Ultrasound as one of the most commonly used methods of physical therapy, used in our country for over 50 years. “Ultra” in Latin means “above”, “beyond”. Infrasounds are the same sounds that literally surround us: they are produced by animals, birds, and insects they are in our voices, in the noise of the wind, the rustling of sand, or the creaking of snow underfoot. But we can’t hear them, because we have paid for this ability to talk to each other.


Along with technological improvements, ultrasound has progressed from a large, cumbersome machine, reproducing suboptimal images, to a portable, easy-to-use and sophisticated device. This evolution required a close unity of physics, physiology, medicine, engineering, and management.

Today man has learned how to generate and “hear” ultrasounds, but … only with the help of physiotherapy devices. This promising area of medicine in recent years has become a full-fledged field of science – biomedical radiophysics.

Ultrasound therapy is based on the specific nature of the interaction between ultrasound and the biological tissues of the human body. Ultrasonic vibrations propagate into human tissues to quite a depth and have a pronounced therapeutic effect.


For self-care

The human ear hears sounds at different frequencies or wavelengths – from 17 Hz 20 m to 20,000 Hz 1.65 cm . True, this range narrows with age. But humans do not hear all low sounds and not all high sounds. Infrasounds they are below 17 Hz and ultrasounds they are above 20,000 Hz are not audible to humans, although they are constantly present in nature.

For example, infrasounds occur in the ocean during storms and underwater earthquakes, and on land when rivers open up during ice drifts. Jellyfish, fish, seagulls and other sea creatures can perceive infralow frequencies. Catching infrasound, they try to leave dangerous areas in advance.

A person does not hear infrasound vibrations, but this does not mean that he does not feel them. A frequency of 6 Hz can make us feel fatigued, homesick, seasick. 7 Hz infrasound is especially dangerous: death can come from sudden cardiac arrest. A frequency of 5 Hz damages the liver and some infra-low frequencies can cause an attack of insanity. Certain low-frequency sounds act on the brain’s auditory analyzers and can even “convince” a person to quit smoking, go on a diet, learn foreign languages, etc.d. And this is used for what is called “coding.”.

And the highest sound a human can hear is the squeak of a mosquito. But even higher sounds over 20 thousand. vibrations per second man can no longer hear – this is ultrasound. Humans are not aware of ultrasonic vibrations, although cats, dogs and other animals hear them and use them.

Dogs have frequencies up to 60,000 Hz, and cats and bats even more. But none of them like strong ultrasounds. Dogs can be kept at a respectful distance with ultrasonic pocket-sized “dogchisers,” and mice and rats can be removed with special ultrasound-capable devices.

Ultrasounds are also produced and perceived by dolphins, bats, various insects. But the most fantastic hearing acuity in the ultrasonic range in bats. When flying, they send intermittent ultrasonic signals at frequencies of 30,000 to 150,000 Hz, and sometimes higher, and in the pauses between them with their ears-locators receive echoes from the tiniest gnats.

Ultrasonic echolocation allows these unique flying animals to detect a wire 0.1 millimeter thick at high speed. Not even the most advanced radars achieve such high results.

When investigating the perception of sounds in anthropoids, a group of researchers at the New York Research Institute of Ear, Throat and Nose found that their range of sound perception is less than that of other animals, but still reaches 40,000 Hz. It turns out that speech communication played a role here. Humans have gradually lost the need for the wide frequency range of the voice to convey useful information. The advent of speech has made the perception of ultrasound unnecessary.

Like infrasound, ultrasound gives our voice an emotional coloring, and contains information about joy, fear, frustration, and so on.d. These sounds, with frequencies of up to 100,000 Hz and sometimes higher, are still in our voices, but our perception of them is getting poorer and poorer.

After all, the widest range of thoughts can be conveyed by words at frequencies from 200 Hz to 5000 Hz, but it is true, you can hide your negative true intentions. But some people, mostly women, can still pick up ultrasounds and sense the speaker’s mood well. The analysis of ultrasounds in the speaker’s speech is used in lie detectors with great success.

But not only our vocal cords are capable of producing ultrasonic vibrations. Such vibrations are inherent in any living tissue, and it is experimentally proved by the works of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Research Center for Biomedical Radioelectronics IRE RAS V.i.

Pasechnik, who used ultrasonic vibrations of living biological objects such as muscles, vessels, liver, kidneys, etc.d. – for the development of medical diagnostic devices.

Mechanical micro-vibrations micro-vibrations are present in the body not only due to the heart pulse activity infrasound frequencies and vascular-muscular activity sound frequencies , but also due to the influence of the external environment.

Ultrasound waves of human body tissues run to the surface from great depths and carry crucial information about the condition of various organs. So all of our organs are literally “singing along” at ultrasonic frequencies.


It is not a secret that some animals unmistakably “read” our subconscious, guessing our innermost desires.

On the other side of the Gulf Stream, in a place called Grassy Key, near Miami, is the Florida Center for Dolphin Research. David Nathanson, a psychologist at the center, did an interesting experiment. He went into the water holding five-year-old Billy Reiner, who was born with Down’s disease.

At the trainer’s whistle, the dolphin called Aleta rushes to the people. Nathanson shows the boy a picture of a playground and asks: “What’s this?”. Billy fidgets unhappily. “If you want to play with Aletha, you have to tell her what it’s called,” Nathanson insists. “The slide,” Billy blurts out. His mother, who was observing the scene, claps her hands cheerfully. For the first time in her life, her son recognized and correctly named an item without prompting.

Nathanson puts the boy on the dolphin for a little ride. According to Nathanson, “There is an understanding between them that I can’t explain.”. The animals treat the boy very carefully, as if they realize he’s different. And Billy gets an incentive to learn.

Study after study, scientists make surprising discoveries about these mysterious mammals. They claim that the dolphins do talk to each other, notifying each other by whistling both about themselves and the other dolphins in the pack, as well as coming to each other’s aid. Dolphins have a real radar system ultrasonic sonar, which is in their skull box , with the help of which they “see” with their ears underwater acoustic images, “shining” through the encountered objects.

With the help of ultrasonic waves they “see” and determine in murky water and in the dark at a distance of 100 meters any object the size of a human fist, and can even detect a small pellet for tens of meters. Ultrasounds help a dolphin easily navigate and distinguish, for example, a live fish from an inanimate object of the same size and shape. They can simulate sound cues, and exchange acoustic pictures.

The mental abilities of dolphins and their attachment to humans prompted David Nathanson, a psychologist at the American Dolphin Research Center, to engage in unusual experiments. With the help of 15 dolphins psychologist holds classes with children and adults suffering from diseases such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, head and spine injuries.

When six-year-old Dean-Paul Anderson first came to Nathanson in 1989, he couldn’t utter a word. He was born with Down’s disease, and the boy was very shy and withdrawn. But after weekly sessions, Dean-Paul became a talkative and outgoing child. The dolphins were able to find the key to his mind, and Dean-Paul “opened up.”.

Thanks to the biophysical effect of the dolphin a person normalizes the activity of the cerebral cortex, cardiovascular system. Even a dolphin can “see” a sick child crying. Many scientists believe that the dolphin is one of the most intelligent animals in the world.


The human body is a complexly organized, dynamic and self-regulating oscillating system, which under the influence of external frequency influences can give resonant responses. The functional dynamics of the human body is reflected in the dynamics of its physical fields and emissions: infrared, acoustic, optical, electromagnetic.

Since our organs and various tissues vibrate and emit ultrasound, the subtle mechanisms that control this process are affected by even weak external acoustic fields. Any sound stimulus, at great force high intensity and duration, can cause acoustic trauma.

Intense noise above 95 decibels is particularly harmful to the body. A decibel is one-tenth of a unit of measurement for the loudness of sound named after the inventor of the telephone, A. Bella . The zero level 0 decibel is taken as the minimum sound a person feels and is called the hearing threshold. An airplane taking off exceeds the threshold intensity of sound by more than 10 trillion times over 95 decibels .

Under the influence of such noise, peripheral blood vessels constricted, heart rhythm disturbed, headaches, unusual pallor, and neuropsychiatric disorders appeared. “The stomach cannot digest loud noises and this can even lead to an ulcer. So special headphones and helmets don’t always protect us from the adverse effects of sound noise.

On the other hand, in the Ancient East there was the torture of silence, when the criminal was imprisoned in a special “tower of silence”, where no sound from the outside penetrated. Disruption of the psyche, and then other bodily functions, ended in death. And it’s legitimate. Because weak stimuli excite vital processes, moderate stimulate, strong stimuli inhibit, and very strong stimuli paralyze. But their complete absence also causes some kind of disorder.

Any life form has its own unique spectrum of bioelectrical oscillations, ie.e. Each micro- and macro organism has its own spectrum of frequencies. Each person also has his own frequency of vibration of cells and organs. The famous German researcher Morel, creating the theory and technique of bioresonance, “decomposed” the person into specific shelves with the frequencies of organs and systems.

Before him, even Dr. Reinhard Voll, awarded by the Pope for the discovery of electro-puncture exposure to low frequency electric pulses gold medal, found that, say, the liver “works” on the vibrations of 7 hertz, heart – on 5 hertz, kidneys – at 9 hertz. Morel went further, trying to identify the relationship of frequencies and organs. We got more than 64 parameters. It is difficult to imagine so many regulators that normalize the state of health in general.

The human body is not only capable of responding in a wide range of exposure frequencies up to 109 Hz and above , but also respond with strictly defined reactions to specific frequencies, and the amplitude of the influencing signal may be negligibly small t.e. lie below the sensory perceptible threshold .

The idea of resonant biostimulation was confirmed in the works by A. ja. Kramer on the vibrational effects on the body. Vibration impacts in a certain frequency range have a curative and restorative effect. Biological resonance is a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations in the biosystem when a forced vibration is proposed from the outside with a frequency gradually approaching that of the system itself. The most perceptible are those frequencies of external therapeutic action that exist in the healthy body itself.

The natural biorhythms of the body are disturbed when sick. Optimally chosen parameters of ultrasonic vibrations of physiotherapeutic devices cause a response in the body, restoring its natural acoustic field biorhythms.

Thus, it is possible to “impose” on the body in case of a pronounced functional disturbance of the rhythmic activity of internal organs healthy waves vibration characteristics . On this principle of regularization of rhythmic activity based on modern devices bioresonance therapy, which are wonderful “filters” that can automatically filter out the wave frequencies of the disease from the “wave of health.

The frequency and intensity of acoustic fields of physiotherapeutic devices are chosen so that the human body perceives these ultrasonic vibrations as its own and does not resist the action, figuratively speaking, adjusts to the norm, restoring the genetic memory of the biological rhythms of a healthy body.

Ultrasonic vibrations emitted by the devices are transmitted to the brain, and the human nervous system is forced to adapt to a new healthy rhythm and switch to a new nervous activity. Given low physiological taking place in the organism frequencies, even with a very small amplitude of the external ultrasound exposure significantly increase the normal and weaken the pathological vibrations in the body.

Thus the essence of the bioresonance therapy devices is that they regulate and activate the body’s own defenses to fight the disease, providing self-healing, without violating the body’s energy-informational balance in any way. The body itself can cure diseases of certain organs – the world’s greatest healer and pharmacist.


In 1954 German doctor R. Voll may have accidentally noticed that a patient who touched a medicine with his hand while measuring the potential of biologically active points on the skin projections of organs , his readings changed. So the discovery was made: drugs even at a distance change the energy state of a person and his organs – heart, kidneys, liver and whole systems.

And it turns out that homeopathic remedies work particularly well. Apparently, because, according to studies, they have a particularly pronounced wave nature. Each drug is inherently a kind of wave generator, enclosed either in an alcoholic solution, tincture, or simply water, oil emulsion, cream, ointment.

It is known that ultrasound can increase the permeability of cell membranes and accelerate metabolic processes by diffusion spread , and changes in pH a quantitative measure of active acidity or alkalinity of the medium of inflamed tissues in the alkaline side causes a sharp decrease in inflammatory phenomena and pain.

Ultrasound has another wonderful property – to increase skin permeability. After all, our skin is a unique protection against the penetration of foreign components for our body. And only very few drugs and hormones can really penetrate the skin in very small amounts.

Today, ultraphonophoresis lat. ultra – “above, beyond” + Greek. phōnē – “sound” + phorēsis – “carrying, carrying”, synonym for “phonophoresis” of medicines, which combines the effects on certain areas of the body of two factors: physical t.e. ultrasound and chemical drug , introduced into the body with its help.

During ultra phonophoresis procedures, when a medicine is placed between the emitter and the skin, small doses of it accumulate in the so-called dermal depot, which is then used by the body in a gentle way for a long time to affect the pathological process.

For ultraphonophoresis selected drugs that act with ultrasound in a unidirectional way to enhance one of its effects: analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, etc.

Combined action of the ultrasound device and drugs increases their therapeutic effect by several times. Under the influence of ultrasound pressure drug molecules gain greater mobility, quickly and directly penetrate deep into tissues phonophoresis , where they easily spread diffuse into the blood and lymph.

It allows you to bring the intended concentration of the active substance to the right layers of the skin and thus achieve maximum effectiveness. Very effective such ultraphonophoresis with anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, analgesic ointments, antibiotics for injuries, spinal disorders, joints, dermatology.

Among the advantages of ultraphonophoresis is the absence of iatrogenic causing secondary diseases damaging effects on internal organs, particularly the gastrointestinal tract, often developed during pharmacotherapy, and especially when systematically taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin acetylsalicylic acid , ibuprofen, naproxen, ketorolac, butadion, etc. , which are often used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. .

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John Techno

Greetings, everyone! I am John Techno, and my expedition in the realm of household appliances has been a thrilling adventure spanning over 30 years. What began as a curiosity about the mechanics of these everyday marvels transformed into a fulfilling career journey.

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Comments: 1
  1. Felix Vaughn

    This statement raises curiosity about the various applications of ultrasound beyond dolphins. What are some other interesting uses of ultrasound technology that might be surprising to learn about?

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