

With all the variety of “White” Appliances in the Kitchen the Main Thing Is Still The Refrigerator. Big or Small, Expensive or Cheap, EVERYONE HAS ONE, and You canm. The Choice of Appliances Today is Huge, The Manoufacturers – a Lot. How to Choose The “Right” Refrigerator, What Its Shoup Be Able to Do Do, How It Will Work Properly? We asked these questions to the manufacturers of refrigeration appliances, both to those that produce premium class products and are known all over the world and to those that represent their products only in Europe.

Questions by Galina Sizikova


OUR Experts:


Elena Lypteeva,

Kitchen Appliances Product Category Manager,



Sergey Sablin,

Chief Designer of Refrigerator Factory, Indesit.


Gevorg Saakyan,

Product Trainer,



Alexandra Malkina,

Manager of the Product Category “Refrigration Equipment,



Tatiana Pechalina,

Marketing Manager,



Konstantin Kim,

Product Manager

Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Rus.


Anastasia godina,

Manager of the Product Category “Refrigration Equipment,



Dmitry Snurnitsin,

Training Manager, Electrolux.

Daewoo Electronics

Elena Tarasova,

Category Product Manager “Refrigerators,

Ltd. HouseHold Appliances “Bosch, Siemens, Nefff .

Daewoo Electronics

Ekaterina Kirillova,

Brand Manager of “Refrigration Equipment” Category, LG.


Dmitry KuznetSov,

Commercial Director,


LLC “Comfort Maks”,

Bomann ReprySentative Office in the RF.


Sergey Sandalov,

Trade Marketing Manager,

Haier Rus.

Whirlpool_fmt Refrigerator Review

Pick Me, Pick Me – The Coolest



What to look at when when a refrigegrator in the store If You have deceded on the funculation: The Service Life, Warranty, Compressor, The Manufacturer’s Republic?

E. Lipteeva, Miele: You have to understand What Additional Parameters are Important for You: From Noise Level and Power Consumption Figures to Freezing Capacity and Door Opening Peculiarties. Certainly One of the Key Indicators of a Refrigerator is its durabyity and the Period During Which Thefacturrr Undertakes to Carry Out Free Repair and Maintenance.

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: It is Necessary to Pay Attenation to the Manoufacturr’s Warranty and Reputation on the Market, T.to. This in Turn Reflects The Quality of Assembly/Components Used in Production The Refrigerators.

E. Kirillova, LG: manaufacturer’s reputation is certainly Important, but a lot has for over the past Few Years. Often our compatriots notice that the well-known European brands have changed, many new producers have entered the American market, manufacturers from South-East Asia are also strengthening their image in the eyes of consumers.

The place of assembly, if it is important to the buyer although it is not always an indicator of the quality level of appliances , you should check with the store for a particular model, since the same manufacturer may supply models with similar characteristics but produced in Different Countries.

BUT. Malkina, Vestel: it is necessary to pay only to the reputation of the manufacturer, butso to the compliance of price/Quality Pramiody mananth.

FROM. Sandalov, Haier: it is not so much The Popularity of the Brand that Matters, But Its Experience in Production of RefrigiGegrators in Particular, T.to. IS Impossible to Assess The Quality of All Production Processes and All Components in the Store. Now We See as Soon As a Company Stops Concentration on Quality, The Consumer Reacts Very Quickly and Stops Buying the Products Manuapacturr.

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G. SAAKYAN, Whirlpool: in OUR Opinion, There Are 5 Main Criteria to Choose a Fridge:


How Many Chambers

Cooling System

Level of Energy Consumption


D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: for Example, The Buyer Has Made An Expensive Repair in the Kitchen and Does Not For Another Ten Years. FIRST of All, He Will Care ABOUT SERVICE Life and Warranty, and All Other Factors Will Be Secondary.

And here is Another Example: A Fridge is Boun for Operation in the Factory, In the Workshop with The Constant Temperture of +30 ° C C. Here The Most Important Will Be the Climate Class for the Compressor and the Course the Reputation of the Manuapacturer. That is to say that when howing a choice, you shook look at a lot of factors, but be crile goal and set your priorites correcties coerrectels.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: On Design. Service Life, Warranty and Compressors of All Manoufacturers Do Differ from Each Other. The Place of Assembly Also Plays a Role for Some Consumers, T.to. There is still a stereotype of American asmbly and many give preference to European.

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The Seller is not Always Right

bt: Our correspondent came across the situation when while choosing a fridge of lower price group the seller of one famous chain claimed that modern fridges of this group are not able to work longer than three years. Do you Agree with this statement? Buying an appliance in 2013, is it Possible to Rouchly Calculatte The Purchase Date of the New Model? Is the High Price a Guarantee of the Appliance Longevity??

Whirlpool Refrigerator Review

Quality Control and Numerous ReliaBility Tests.

The Latter, Rather, and Will Guarantee the Long Life of the Technique.

BUT. MALKINA, Vestel: The bigger the fridge, the more prestigious the brand, the higher the comfort and the lower the power consumption, the higher the price, therefore it is safe to say that the brand has the predominant influence on the price. For Example, A Single Door Refrigerator of Small Volume But a Prestigious Brand Cost More than A DORIGEGERATOR WITH The Volume Up to 400 L and with Less Prestigious Brand. The Price Dispersion of Different Sellers for the Same Standard Model Can Be Saveral Thousand Roubles, and For an Expensive RefrigiRigius Brand – Tens of Thousands of Rounces. In Fact, Each Manoufacturr Ocupies Its Own Price Niche, Offering Quality Products in Its Price Segment.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: The Real Life of Appliances Depends on Many Factors. Voltage FlUrtuations, Operating Conditions – All this and More Can Affect the Performance of the Product, Regardless of Its Price Category. At the Same Time the High Price is not a Guarantee. It is Important that manufacturr specializes in the Production of HouseHold Appliances, Not Produce EVERYTHING IN A ROW Computers, Phones, ETCs.D. .

D. SNURNITZIN, Electrolux: Actual operating time of a fridge depends on its operation conditions: presence of heating appliances near the fridge, its ventilation, whether the sun gets to the appliance, door opening frequency, etc.D.

To. KIM, Daewoo Electronics: Careful Observance of the Manoufacturer’s Recommentations on the Refrigerator Will ConsideBly Extend Its Service Life.

Snow Removal Without Reagents

BT: The Benefits of No Frost Are Known To All. And What are the disadvantages of this system? IS It Necessary to Chase the Refrigerators with this System or Can One Do It??

Review of the txtolux_fmt Refrigerators

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: The Main Advantage of the Fan in the Fridge Is the Ability to Bring the Energy Class of the Appline Up To A+++. For now, However, Such Appliances Will Be Available Mainly in the European Ranges.

T. PECALINA, CANDU: The so-called “weeping wall”, or in other words static cooling system of the cold room is not ideal, but the most correct system to store fresh products, especially vegetables, fruits and herbs, by maintaining humidity of more than 50% depending on the manufacturr . At the Same Time the Refrigering Chamber Does Not Require Any Forced Defrosting. A fan in the Refrigerator Compartment with Astatic System Is a Big Plus. It allows the foods to be -coled More event and the TEMPERATURATURE RESTORED after Opening the Door and Adding the New Foods to the Storage Chamber. In Some Fridges, The Fan Works Together with The Adaptive Sensor That Constantly Monitors The Temprature Inside the Refrigering Chamber. T.e. IT Allows The FAN TO TUN AFTER OPENING and CLOSING THE DOOR, BUT AT AT ANY TEMPERATURATURENCE, For A Quick Recovery.

FROM. Sablin, Indesit: a fan in the fridge compartment Improvs The Dynamics of Cooling, Equalizes The Temperature in Differes of the Fridge Compartment. When The Back “Weeping Wall” Panel Is Closed, The Airflow Is Controlled Better and the Product Becomes Similar to NF. BUT THESE ALL VERSIONS OF THE SAME “Crying” Refrigration Compartment Defrosting System.

D. SNURNITZIN, Electrolux: “Weeping Wall” Maintains High Humidity, Which Allows Long and High-Quality Presserservation of Food, Even Without Packaging. The Peculiar Features of Such Refrigrators are the Unven Temperature Distribution Warmer At the Top and Colder At the Chamber and the Pressence of the Wet Back Wall. The first feature is eliminated by the freestore System a fan in the refrigerated compartment along with “Weeping Wall”, Which Makes the Temprature Even and Maintains Optimal Humidity. This Problem Iso Solved by the Multiflow System When The “Crying Wall” Together with The Fan Is SepaRate A Wall from the Refrigering Chamber. This Way, The Back Wall Stays Dry and the Fan Supplies The Cooled Air to Each Shelf Separatly. The Result is Excellent Quality of Food Storage and Convenent Use of the Refrigerator.

D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: When Defrosting the “Crying” Type, the IS, So to Say, A System Disadvantage – Too Narrow Drain Hole For Water Wall of the Refries Chember. If there is no opportunity to regularly monitor the condition of the packaging of food in the fridge, this hole gets “washed out”, and as a result the condensate during defrosting flows out onto the floor in front of the fridge, you will need a Mop to Help You. Not Very Convenent.

In General, Defrosting Is Kind of a Free Supplement to this Type of Fridge, What Kind of Advantages Are there?? Wells You’re Saving on a Humidifier in the Kitchen, SincE The Water from the Reservoir Evaporaates Regularly… Well, serious, i see only one plus – you’re More offen spec “Forced” to wash outfra and not always usful microbes that quietly in the fridge.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: Defrosting of the Refrigering Chamber by the “Crying” Type is good with the Absence of Additional Mechanisms, Which Canak Down. Time-Tested System. Disadvantages – Longer Defrosting Process.

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Absolute Zero

BT: Zero Zone, Or Freshness Pressern Zone. Almost All Manaufacturs Allocate it in a Number of Models. What Should Be the Zero Zone in Your Understanding? Do you think this is the same in all refrigerators?

G. SAAKYAN, Whirlpool: Many manufacturers, stating the temperature is zero, do not inform their buyers that it is very difficult to achieve even in laboratory conditions, therefore it would be more correct to say that the temperature there varies from plus one to minus one. The second important point is the fact that the given compartment is completely hermetically isolated from the rest of the refrigerating part and, correspondingly, if we see any distances between the chamber of the given compartment and the walls, you can be absolutely sure that it is not a zero chamber but just a zone of frishness.

ALSO ONE MORE Point, Which IS of Great Importance, Is the Control of this Refrigerator, It Shoup Be Separate.

To. KIM, Daewoo Electronics: In Some Models of Top-Price Range Refrigrators, In the Zero Zone The Independent Cooling System Is Implemented, There Are Eve in the Thry Inle in the Terto zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero is. In this case, The Temperature in the Freshness Zone Is Monitored by An Electronic Type Temperature Sensor.

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: The Zero Zone, Or Freshness Zone, In Our Refrigrators Implies a Separate Temperateure Control. All the other options on the market are more or less advanced variations on the subject of the vegetable drawer, in which, when setting the general temperature in the refrigerator due to its proximity to the freezer, the temperature is set close to zero.

E. Lipteeva, Miele: The Key Success Factor Isurning the Temperature and Humidity Conditions in the “Dry” Humid “Freshness Zones Independentls. It is good it is possible to regulaty the Humidity LEVEL and, IF Necessary, with the Help of A Smooth Controller to Reprogram The “Wet” Zone Into the “Dry” One.

D. Snurnitzin, Electrolux: The Shelf Life of Food, Even in the Fresh Zone, Rarely Exteeds One Week. SO it Makes No Sense to Make This Zone Very Large, Its Volume Should Be Sufficient for Weekly Grocry Shopping for the Average Family.

T. No, the Fresh Zone is far from Being the Same in All The Fridges. The Ideal Freshness Zone: It Must Be isolate from the Main Refrigerating Compartment, Separatly Regulated Temperature From 0 To 3 Degrees, The Temperature Diff sufference of 0.1-0.1-0.1-10,1-0.1-10,1-.

D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: Utility Zone. I’ve Been Using It Regularly For Years. USALLY IN VAROUS PULICATIONS IS Written that her plus is two trays. I Think One Big One Is More Convenent: BecAuse Vegetables Are not Just Cherry Tomatoes and Capers. Celery, Carrot, Melon “Torpedo” -they Require More Space. This zone is not equally good with all manuapacturers. For some it’s just a Necessary Accessory in the High Price Group Models Models Real Practical Result, For Others it Really Working and Very Practical Device. IF The Customer Really Cares ABOUT ABLL-FUNTIONSTIONS ZRET, I WOLD Advise Buying A Refriguerator A Manaufacturr with AS An Industry Leader. This is a casey there the Miser Pays Twice.

FROM. Sablin, Indesit: there is no zero zone in a maneone’s understanding. There are Standard Requirements: at Temperature of +5 ° C in the refrigerating compartment in zero zone itchuld be from -2 ° C to + 3 ° C. The Manaufacturer Can Implement Different Freeshness Zones at His Discretion for Better Storage of Certain Products, and the He Gives Them His Name and Recomminess. Usually The Consumer’s Manual Reflects What the Manufacturr Declares.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: The Fresh Zone of All Manoufacturers is the Same in Principle, But Different in Ergonomics of Use.

BUT. Malkina, Vestel: In Some Refrigerators, Normal Compartments for Storing Fruits and Vegetables Are Equipped with A Special Humidity Regulator. IF You Compare an Average Quality Zero Zone and Good Humidity-Controlled Fruit Compartment, Food Storage Will Differ By A Couples in Favor of the Favor of Zone. But The Professional Freshness Zone with Good Humidity Control Allows to Keep the First Freeshness of the Product Twice and Coometimes Even Three Times Longger.

Third Countries

BT: there is an Opinion that when you move propitation to Third Countries the Quality of Assembly Deteriorates and Cheaper Parts are used used. Do youfeel Distrust Towars The Models in Your Company’s Range that Assembled in America, China, Bulgaria, etc.?.D.? What Can You About the Quality of Your Products?

D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: It’s Not a Question for Easy Answers. Heere Bothes and No Can Be True at the Same Time. You Say Paradox. And I will argue my position: the transfer of production to third countries is beneficial for the manufacturer as a tool to reduce their costs at the expense of cheaper, but no less skilled workforce due to the low standard of living in these countries in general. And, of Course, The Low Cost of Leasing/Purchassing Land for Production Facilits. The Production Itself is Carrried Out on Automated Lines: Whatver Parts a manafacturr decides to put on the fridges, That’s What the Line Will Install. This Will Happen in Any Country. Much More Important Is the Quality of the Line Itself and For Which Country the Refrigrators Are Made on Thuese Lines! For Example, For EU Countries Or The USA, No Country Will Assemble Refrigegrators with Anergy Class Lower THEA A+. And for Americans All Over The World, and at OUR NATIVE LAND CONTINUE to MAKE Refrigrators of A Class D/C/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/B/. For Selling Such “Masterpieces” In Europe the Produce Will Be Simply Kuckped Out of the Country and He Will Be Deprived to Market the Whole Product Twenth. I am comletly Silent ABOUT THE PLASTIC QULETY, Not to UPSET You Reader at All… To sum it up: it’s nota that that’s important! The Important Thing is for Whom!

G. SAAKYAN, Whirlpool: if we talk ABOUT THE QULETY OF ASSEMBLY, The Fundamental Point is Control in the ManUFACTURING PLANT. Afterful Quality Control, The Percentage of Rejects From Third Countries Can Be Significantly Reduced.

D. Snurnitsin, Electrolux: The Distrust to the “Non-Native” Assembly is Still Kept in the Minds of Buyers. However, it is Gradully Passing AWAY SINCE The Experience Shows that Refrigrators Assembled, For Instance, In Hungary Can Faithly Owners For A Long Time. And the Question Shifts to the Credible of the Brand, Which Will to Provide the Highest Quality of Assembly, Regardless of the Geographical Location of the.

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: UNFORTUNATELY, the IS Distrust in EVERYTHING NEW. It has Always Been Like this. However, when the Refrigerators Manoufactured at the Strelna Plant Stopped Being a Gimmick and Found Their Niche, The Distrust Disappeareded.

E. Kirillova, LG: in America LG Refrigrators Are Sold in American, South Korean, Polish, Indonesian and Chinese Production. Regardless of the Place of Assembly, We have a Strict Control at All Stages of Production, Starting from the Choice of Supplier and the Materials Used and Ending with the Paccage. Furthermore, we receive coolers of different types from different countries: in America only bottom freezer models are manufactured as the most popular on our market and from Indonesia, for example, we only import models with top freezer.

FROM. Sablin, Indesit: There Are 3 Main Components, The Present of Which Makes It Possible to Make A Potential Evaluation of An Enterprise in Ans

Efficent and Modern Corporate Management is Ensurated

The ISO 9001 Quality Standards System Is in Operation

Local Cost Advantages are used.

That is who there is usaully not much difference in the Quality of Products of the Well-Known Brand Enterprises in Diffferent Countries.

I WULD Like to Stress that Main Quality Risk at the Moment Is Mostly Due to External Factors as Globobalization of World Economy and Financial Crises. Dynamic Changes Are Taking Place on the Market of Suppliers of Raw Materials: Cases of Withdrawal from the Market, Loss of Quality, Changes in Business Are not Uncommon Any More. In this aspect We have to be verse Careful.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: The Quality of Assembly soresn’t Depend on the Country, But on the Quality Control at the Manaufacture, Which is regulated byproeducing Company.

FROM. SANDALOV, Haier: If a Company Monitors The Quality of Its Products and Has Modern Automated Production, The IT Does Not Matter Where The Product Is Made.

T. Published, Candy: All Big Companies has a Quality Management System, Which Implies Stript and Identical Standards for All Their Factories, Regardless of the Council. Even if the production of some components is localized, all the suppliers all over the world have the same requirements, although some of the components, such as electronics and compressors, are imported to the factories. This is connected with the fact that in the countries where the refrigerator production plants are located, it is not always possible to find production facilities, the products of which would fully meet the requirements of the manufacturers.

Refrigerator on Vacation

BT: Today’s Refrigerators have A Lot of Extra Features: Quick Freeze, Quick Cool, Holiday. Which Onees Do You Consider More Important and Which Oones Less Important??

D. Snurnitzin, Electrolux: IT All Depends on the Needs of A Particular Customer. IF A Person Makes Preserves, For Example, From HIS OWN HOMESSTEAD, He cannot do well Superfreezing. And if you do your grocery shopping once a week at a super- or hypermarket, the Shopping Quick Chill function is very good, which allows you to quickly chill your food and thus improve its storage quality.

E. LIPTEEVA, Miele: I would especially mention the DynaCool dynamic cooling system, which provides a uniform temperature inside the chamber and allows you to quickly cool food, no matter how it is placed in the refrigerator. The Unified Temperature Ensures Better Presservation of Food, and The Dynamic Cooling System Allows The Refrigerator to Recover The Temperater After the Door is Opened. There are Features that area Extremely Important to Orthodox Consumers. SO there is A SPECIAL Shabbat Program that Allows You to Completly Follow All the Relygious Requirements.

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: All Functions are Important. For Example, Tempering IS for Consumer Convenence and Energy Savings, and Rapid Chilling/Freezing Is For High-Cuality Food Presservation. The Choice is up to the Consumer and is Determined Primarily by HIS Her Technical Requirements.

E. KIRILLOVA, LG: For American consumers who appreciate freshness, health and taste of food the Quick freeze function is certainly very important, as it allows preparing home vegetables from the garden, mushrooms, herbs within a short period of time with maximum preservation of their nutrient Quality and Appe their.

T. Pechalina, Candu: The Quick Freeze IS One of the Most Important, Especially for People Who Stock Up for The Winter. Without it The Food Woup Be in the Zone of “Maximum Crystallization” from -1 ° C to -4 ° C for a Long Time Durging the Freezing. If Food is left in this range a long Time, Large Ice Crystals Form, Which Pierce Cell Walls, Damaging Their Structure. And Quick Freezing Allows You to Make The Resulting Crystals Very Small and Keep the Structure and Quality of the Product Almost Unchand. Two Other Useful Functions I Wold Say Are the Eco Mode, Which Saves Energy When The Fridge is not Full Loaded, and the Audible Warning Door.

FROM. Sandalov, Haier: Additional Features in Refrigrators Arewly Not Vital, But Make Easier to Use. For EVERY CONSUMER, There Will BET Important Features, Depending on Their Needs. For Example, if the Person Lives Alone and Is Offten Absent from Home Business Trip, Vacation, etc. , it is to uce two gas over.D. , The Holid Mode for It Will Be Just Necessary, T.to. and this Will Help Him Save A Lot on Electricity.

D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: Most Important Fast Freezing. The Rest is a Matter of Taste.

Which Class is your refrigerator in??

BT: Havy American Customers Started Paying Attend to Energy Efficiency Class?? Now the Most Economical Class a Appliances++? There is Room to Grow in this Direction? Or Havy the Alread Reached the Savings Maximum?? Will Refrigrators with High Energy Efficiency Classes Become Cheaper??

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E. LIPTEEVA, Miele: In Europe the energy efficiency class is one of the key parameters when choosing a fridge, but the American consumer is not used to saving money yet and in most cases he chooses cheaper models with lower energy efficiency classes. Taking Into Account American Realities, Low Electricity Bills Do Not Yet Make the Consumer Thout ABOUT THE ECONOMY OF THE DEVICE, While More Economical Models Usually Cost More.

Undoubtedly, the manufacturers will strive to improve the design of appliances, the quality of the refrigerating circuit and insulation, but among the professionals there are already opinions that the refrigeration industry is close to the technical limit, therefore, we should not wait for miracles. IS Important to not that Cheaper Models with Higher Power Consumption are Already Gradally Leaving the Market, SO THE PRIST THE MOST ECONOMILACAL Appliances of Class A ++ Will GOLL GOLL GOLL GOLL GOLL GOLL GOLL GO.

D. Snurnitsin, Electrolux: Recently American Buyers are Paying More and More Attendation to Energy Efficiency Class. It is connected with the Growth of Tariffs. In Addition, The Recent Changes to the Billing System with the Introduction of the Social Norm of Energy Consumption Are Heating Up this Question. That is when is alriedy coast-effective to buy a refrigerator with a better class. There is alread a refrigerator with class a in the American range+++. In europe the number of such models is much wider, but there is almost the first criterion for choolosing a fridge, and the buyers understand the overpayments.

BUT. Malkina, Vestel: Most Countries Encourage Manaufacturers of Energy Efficient Refrigerators. The Cheapest Models with High Power Consumption are Gradully Leaving the Market.

However, Considering The American Reality, It Cana Not the Increased Power Consumption At Relatively Low Payments for It Does Not Greatly Affect the Consumers Pockets Pocket. At the Same Time, Advanced Models that Save Energy Areilly More Expensave. But NeverTheless in America, As Well as in Europe, More Attenation Is Paid to Energy Class. This phenomenon should not be explained by the rise of electricity prices but rather an emotional factor is most likely to play the role: after all it is obvious that only the manufacturers of high quality high-tech refrigerators can afford to pay attention to such seemingly not The Most Important Characteristics as Energy Consumption Class. The Consumer Believs that if he chose a Refrigerator with Energy Class A, He Made The Right Choice – He Chose The Best Possible. We Can Assum that in the Future Not -Premium Brands Will Start To Offer Refrigrators with A Higher Class

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Energy Efficency Classes, So of Course We Can Assum a Price Drop.

E. Kirillova, LG: American Standards Namely, The Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the American Federalization of April 29, 2010. No.357 “On approval of the rules for manufacturers and importers to determine the energy efficiency class of the goods and other information about its energy efficiency” the highest energy efficiency class for refrigerators is A++. However, European Regulations Stipulate a Higher Class, A+++. There are Such Models in the Line of European-Made Refrigerators. NeverTheless, In America They Are Labeled, According To Oour Regulations, With Class A++.

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: Energy Efficiency Is One of the Most Importers for American Consumer. However, Buyers are not Yet Willing to Pay Money for the Difference in Grades ABOVE A: A+ And A++. At the Moment the Highest Energy Efficiency Class Is+++. IS Being Introdued Intensively in Europe, But IS Unlikely to Appear on the American Market Soon.

D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: Yes, They Began to Pay Attendation. BUT AS LONG as it COSTS MORE, NOT EVERYONE IS Ready to Pay for The Class. A-Rated Appliances Are Alread on Sale+++. As the Saying Goes, There is No Limit To Perfraction. We’re Still Far Away from the Maximum. Of Couurse, Such Refrigerators Will Get Cheaper and Cheaper. And the Faster the More the Buyer Will Buy High-Quality Appliances and Not the Outright Garbage… The growth in sales of high-quality products will allow normal manufacturers to mass-produce fridges of high energy efficiency classes and as a result their production cost will fall and as a consequence the retail price will erode. This Process Is Clearly Visible on LCD TVS.

G. SAAKYAN, Whirlpool: More and More Offten American Consumers Pay Attend to the Possibility of Saving in the Opheting the Refrigerator. SINCE The Refrigerator is One of the Most Consumed HouseHold Appliances, The Energy-Saving Refrigrators Have ANERGY CONSUMP. When Calculating Electricity Costs, A Small Refrigerator of Class C May More Energy-Consuming than-Metre-Long Giant of Class A. The Difference in Annual Energy Consumption Between Two Refrigerators of Classes a and B Cana About 100 Kwh.

FROM. Sablin, Indesit: Yes, Buyers have Begun to Pay More Attenation to the Energy Efficiency Class, But Not to Such An Extend to this Importer Has Bacome The Main Preite Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Buen Bug . We Produce a Minuscule Amount of A ++ In America The Main Share of A and A+ . In Europe, it is Legal To Sell Refrigerators No Worse than A+, and A +++ Refrigrators Are Already Produed and Sold, Including by OUR Company. This Trend Will Continue to Grow, and the Task of Saving Energy Is Only Becomping More Urgent. And there’s no dobt that energy-efficient fridges Will get cheaper.

FROM. SANDALOV, Haier: Energy Efficency is not Yet a Determinant of Choice in America, But There Is Some Movement in this Direction. Improving Energy Efficency is a Continous Process, I.E.to. Thhees are the Requirements of the Global Market, and We’ll Continue to See More and More Efficient Appendar.

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T. Pechalina, Candy: UNFORTUNATELY, AmericaN CONSUMERS DONIT PAY MUCH ATTENIONTENION TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS AND DONIT PAY MUCH Atting and ECO-FRIENDLINESS. The Increase in the Number of Products with Higher Energy Efficency Classes IS More the Merit of the Manuapacturers Themselves Who Promote Them in the Market. At the Moment a ++ IS not the Most Energy Efficient Class. In OUR Company’s Portfolio There Models with A ++ Class, and We are working onve -More Efficent Products. In America for the time Being We Still Represent the Class Refrigrators Due To the Low Demand From Consumers for More Economical Products. BUT WHEN DESGNINGTS The New Production In America, IT WAS POSSIBLE To Convertent Production to the Most Energy Efficient Products in the Shortest Possible Time Time. The More Such Products Appear on the Market, The More AfferDable Their Propation Will Be for the Consumer.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: The Higher the Energy Efficiency Class, The Higher the Cost of the Refrigerator. American consumers pay attention to the energy efficiency class in all categories of large home appliances, without having any idea of ​​the cost between each class, even though even the A class is very economical and does not differ fundamentally from the A+ and A++. There are fridges with class a+++. Technological Progress sod Stand Still, So Wil Definite Find Ways for Development.

And I Like Its

BT: Which Refrigerators are the Most Popular with The American Consumer?? Do American and European Consumers have the Same Opinion??

FROM. SANDALOV, Haier: American consumers have started to pay more attention to the design of refrigerators which is also very important for European consumers, so the model lines in America and Europe are becoming more and more similar. But in Europe Customers Are Much More Oriented to High Energy Efficiency Classes and Are Willing to Pay for it, Which is not yet the norm in America.

D. Snurnitsin, Electrolux: for Europeans, Energy Efficiency, Quality of Food Storage, Design and USBILITY ARET PIRST PLACE WHEN ChOOSING A.

In America, first of all, the Pay of Attendation to the Price, Offten to the Detriment of Everything Else.

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ALSO, The Size of the Fridge Is Very Important to Most America Customers – They NEED Space For Pots and Jars, While Europeans Rarely Cook for Warmth and Mostly Store the Foot Thy Buy Buy.

But The Life and Way of Life of A Modern American Living in A Big City Aspires to the European Model. This and Buying Groperies Once a Week in a Hypermarket, and a Healthy Lifestyle, and Thefore More Freys and Vegetables.

E. Kirillova, LG: for America Customers, Most of Whom Havy A Small Area Per Family Member, One of the Most Important Advantages of a Refrigrator Its Small Size Capascite. TheFore the Most Popular Refrigerator in America is the one with The Bottom Freezer Compartment and the Highest Possible Height from And Higher . And Most of Our Life is Spent in the Kitchen, Which is the Heart of the Home. And the Refrigerator, in Turn, Is the Center of the Kitchen. And, of Course, it is important that it is Beautiful and Fits Perfectly Into the Interior. This is one of the reasons behind the Growing Popularity of Beige Colourd Fridges: They Go Well with Wooden Surface.

A Convenent Handle is A Plus On the Hand But on the Other Hand Its More of a Nuisance in a Small Kitchen. That is who Very Offten the Refrigerator isen by its appEe their, Paying Attendation to the Hidden Type of the Handle. Design Series Are Also Popular, Although Their Share in the Total Sales of Refrigrators is, of Course, Small.

More and More Housewives Value Their Free Time and Choose No Frost Fridges.

For European buyers, one of the most important indicators is energy consumption however, this applies to all appliances, not only refrigerators , and preferences for the type and size of refrigerators vary: in many suburbs it is more convenient to have Side by Side or an additional freezer, in small city apartments where there is little cooking at home, you can also find refrigerators with an upper freezer in Turkey, for example, it is almost the only possible type, with rare offers of Side by Side models .

E. Lipteeva, Miele: Eve Year The American Consumer Is Becoming More and More Demanding. While A Couple of Years Ago, A Refrigerator with An Ice Maker Was A Rarity, You Can Now Find One for Even The Most Modest Sum. Traditionally the Discerning Customers Pay Attendation to the Outer and Inner Design of the Appliance, The Side-By-Side Models Become More and More Popular. In contrast to European customers, the economic efficiency of a fridge is not among the most important parameters when choosing a model, but nevertheless both American and European customers prefer to buy models with a fresh food preservation zone in order to create optimal conditions for food storage And Presserve The Freshness and Taste Qualites of Even Perishable Food.

E. Tarasova, Bosch/Siemens/NEFF: At the Moment the Popularity of Unusual, Colored Refrigrators Is Increasing. America is ahead of European market in this trend. ALSO in America, unlike on the European Market, the Volume of the Freezer Compartment and Avainability of no Function are Important.

D. Kuznetsov, Bomann: Here EVERYTHINGS SIMPLE: The Sales Leaders in Units are Fridges 168-185 CM Tall with A Bottom Freezer and the Lowest Price in the Segment. No Frost and Crying – 50/50. The Capacy is 280-330. The Views Coincide with the Delay: What Pekle in Europe Buy Today, The Americans Start Buying in a Couple of Years.

T. Pechalina, Candy: Bottom Freezer, 70/30 Ratio, No Frost. European Consumers Prefer The 50/50 Ratio, But Most Also Choose No Frost. And of Course, Due to More Expensive Energy Resources, Europeans are Trying to Buy More Energy-Efficents THE OUR Compatriots. This year, in the first six months in Europe, of the refrigerates with a Bottom Freezer, More than 70% Were Sold with Energy Efficiency Class A+ and More Than 18% of when class a++. In the CIS Countries Only 26% Were in Class A+.

FROM. SABLIN, Indesit: In the American market there is still a big contrast of preferences, but there is a tendency of development to the new buyer and little by little the line with the European buyer, including thanks to the high competition, the Internet, such Publications as “The Consumer”. What A Customer Wanted, For Example, 15 Years AGO? FIRST of All – 2 Compressors, Brands DID Not Trust or, On the Contaray, WorsHipped Some and Creed Idols.

Today, Especially in the Cits, We See a Completely New Customer. He’s Younger, He Wants a Technically Advanced Product from A Well-Known Brand, He Wants Stylish Aesthetics, But… he soda want to overpay. The Modern Buyer Has Become More Pragmatic When Choining and Determining the Price/Quality Balance.

BUT. Godina, Hansa: The Most Popular Are Two-Compartment Refrigegrators with Bottom Freezer 60 CM Wide, 1.85-2 m high, White. And many Europeans, Having a Lot of Space in Their Kitchens, Give Preference to Refrigrators 70-80 CM Wide with An Upper Freezer.

BUT. Malkina, Vestel: Today in America, Models of Refrigrators with A Class Energy Efficiency and No Frost System Are Popular. Of the color, White is the Most Popular. We Can Assum that Refrigerators with More Comples Functions and More Interesting Apperance Will Gain Momentum, Especially Consideing that Credit System IS Gaining Momentum. In Europe, Models with Energy Classes of A and ABOVE ARE MORE POPULAR Due to the High Electricity Price. In America there is no law yet prohibiting the us of models with class below a+ and the electricity bill allows not to work issue yet.

G. SAAKYAN, Whirlpool: The company, under the brand name of which the device is released, is of particular importance, because most consumers prefer firms that have been on the market long enough and have a good reputation. Taking this Into Account, Practically All Manaufacturers Wish to Ocupy Their Own Niche and Earn An Appropriate Image.

The Main Advantage of Miele Refrigerators Is Innovation. In Addition to Offering Standard Features, The Company Strives to Be Always One Step Ahead, Conducting a Lot of Research and Developing Unique Technology.

Review of Refrigrators26175

Conditionally, All the Refrigrators Can Be Subdivideed Into Price Categories:

Cheap Refrigerators


This Category Includes Models Costing $ 150-500. As a Rule, these are Single-Chamber Refrigerators with A Small Freezer Compartment. But One Can Meet in this Price Range Two-Chamber Models of Not Very Big Sizes and Freezers. Mainly The Refrigerators of this Price Range Are Made): Saratov, Pozis, Nord, Biryusa, and Also By Some Foreign AS IndESIT, Atlant, Ardo, BEKO. You can find models of this class from Samsung, Snaige, Kaiser.

Refrigerators in the Middle Price Range.

Pressent in the Model Range of Almost EVERUFACTURERR IndESIT, LG, HotPoint-Ariston, Electrolux, Bosch, Vestfrost, Reeson, Hansa, ETC. . . These Units Cost $ 500-1200, AS A Rule, Two-Compartment, Althrow There Sometimes Three-Compartment Models. They have large capacity, more modern design and are more convenient to use due to the presence of additional functions, for example, the open door alarm, the possibility of separate regulation of the temperatures in the refrigerating and freezing chambers, rearrangement of the shelves inside The Refrigerator Or Re-Hanging The Door, etc.D.

And Finally, The More Expensive Models.

They are Ideal for Owners of Large Apartments or Cottages for Whom the Cost of the Refrigerator is not a determining factor. These Models Cost from $ 1200. They have collected all the modern achievements in this area, have a high power consumption class, low noise level, made according to the latest fashion requirements both externally and inside of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. The more Expensive Models are Made BY Well Known and Reputable Manaufacturers, They Are Comfortable and Reliable to Use, But Also More Expensive to Repair, IF Neededededed. Such Model Can Become A Matter of Pride for Any Housewife. They Are Produed by Electrolux, LG, Liebherr, Miele, Aeg, Siemens, Whirlpool, General Electric and Others.

The New Candy Kriovitalevo Fridges has a laconic design Developed by Bonettodesign Specialists, Focusing on Simplicity and Ease of Use. There are ALSO Three Cooling Platforms Available: Static, Full No Frost No Frost Plus and Mixed Platform with No Frost in the Freezer Compartment and Static refrigerator Compartment No Frostment No FrostMent No FrostMent No FrostMent No FrostMent No FrostMent No FrostMent No FrostMent No FrostMent No Frostment No Frostment NO Frostment No Frostment No Frostment No Frostment No Frostment No Frostment No FrostMent. All Refrigerators, REDRARDESS of Price Positioning, Havy Sky Led Lighting. But The Main Advantage is that all technology is aimed at Quality Food Preservation.

Service Life is Specified by the Manoufacturer in the Owner’s Manual. Today the Most Part of Models Have the Service Life of 7 Years. But it is Possible to find the Refrigerator with 10 years of service Life.

Bomann Sells Refrigerators for Purses of Different Thickness. OUR STRONGEST POSIning is. The Widest Range We have in the Segment of Up To 120 CM Height. All OUR Refrigerators are Made for Europe in Accordance with The Highest Requirements for Quality, Energy Consumption and ReliaBolyti.

All LG Refrigrators have the LG Total No Frost System for More Convenent Operation. The Wide Model Range of Refrigrators Has A Linear Inverter Compressor – Reliable, Efficient, Economical Refrigerator “Motor.

LG PAYS Much Attendation to the Appe, Refrigrators, Offering American Consumers Designer Models of Metal and Tempered Glass. And Recently, The Lg Line-Up Includes Models with Anlarged Mini-Bar “Door-in-Door”, Will Find Ach Convengerite Thow Membere of the Famber of the Famber of the Famber of the Famber of the Famber of the Famber. A New Type of Display – A “Magic” One that Appears by Touch, Otherwise InconspicouUsly Fusion with the Door – Won’t Disturb the Harmony of the Refrigegrator’s Appeareance.

The Main Advantage of All Electrolux Fridges is the Twin Tech Technology Where Each Compartment Is Cooled Separatly and the Optimum Temprature and Humidity 70-90% Are Maintained. That is Any Electrolux Fridge Will Provide Excellent Quality Food Storage Even with No Frost Technology.

Whirlpool Refrigrators have a unique Technology for Controling The Humidity LEVEL in the Automatic Mode. Specially developed algorithm of independent operation of the compressor and the ventilation system based on the data received from sensors maintains the optimum humidity level of 70-85% in the entire refrigerator compartment thus providing up to 4 times longer fresh food preservation compared to the Total No Frost Technology.

The Main Advantage of Bosch/ Siemens/ NEFF Refrigrators is the Quality of Components. Manuapacturn in America Allows to Make The Product of A Good Level, Moreover, More Available for the Mass Consumer. Low Frost Refrigerator Platform Is the Most Advanced in the Static Category. In this Platform We have the Most Diverse Range of Models Single-Circuit, Double-Circuit, With Or Two Compressors, Energy Classes from A++ . We consider excellent ergonomics of refrigerators Bosch with VarioXL concept, various accessories, LED-lighting, fully electronic temperature regulation, Supercooling/ Superfreezing modes to be a very large advantage. ALSO According to the Market NEEDS BSH Company Expands The Range of No Frost Refrigegrators.

Vestel Fridges are European Quality At International Standards and Reasonable Price. Logical Range of Models for EVERY TASTE and BUDGET. Longevity and Safety Ares Guading Principles, Achieved Through Multistage Quality Control.

The Main Advantage of Indesit Refrigegrators The Wide Variety of Models and Eve Consumer Regardles of Their Income Can Refrigerator with Both Expanded FunCtionality.

Haier is commimited to providing comers with Innovative and Smart Products that Meet Their Needs in the Best Possible Way. IT All Starts with OUR Corporate Philosophy, OUR Credo – To Supply Quality Products and to Constantly Improve. In the Development and Design of Oour Products OUR Consumers’ Needs Come First. That’s Who We have 29 Production Bases and 16 Industrial Parks in Europe, North America, Asia, The Middle East and Africa.

Hansa does not Fit Their Fridges with Extra “Frills” Which The Consumer Will Not Use. We are a Customer-Oriented Company, Whose Products have lang won won the trough through the use of Environontally Friendly Materials, Medium PRICE PREADING, NO Brand Overpay.

The Main Advantages of Daewoo Electronics Refrigrators Are: Compliance with Modern Quality Standards, High Ecological Compatibilities, Long Term of Opheran and Attracentive PRICE.

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John Techno

Greetings, everyone! I am John Techno, and my expedition in the realm of household appliances has been a thrilling adventure spanning over 30 years. What began as a curiosity about the mechanics of these everyday marvels transformed into a fulfilling career journey.

Home appliances. Televisions. Computers. Photo equipment. Reviews and tests. How to choose and buy.
Comments: 1
  1. Aiden Turner

    Can someone please provide a comprehensive guide on everything you wanted to know about fridges but didn’t know who to ask?

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